What are your thoughts on Anti-natalism and applying it to all sentient life not just humans?

Note: I have ZERO interest in entering a massive online argument about this, I've had this discussion over and over again with various ANs after leaving the community and I'm totally done. I'm just putting out my opinion. You can't come up with a perfect 'debunking' of antinatalism because it works off a paradigm of reality that disregards so much and works off so few axioms it is literally undebunkable until you actually start to question the core foundations, then you realise it really is only operating off of a few statements.

I was an antinatalist and eventually efilist from the age of 15 to around 20 years old, probably at my peak at 16/17 where I was literally completely obsessed (couldn't see a pram or be around toddlers without being incredibly depressed thinking about what they've been afflicted with and just how fucked up it all was).

Since becoming more spiritual and in general detaching my self a bit from it I just don't think you can reduce every experience in life into a binary dichotomy of suffering and temporary alleviation of suffering/a need. It's incredibly reductionist and isn't how I see my life at all.

I've also been reading a lot more into more niche ideas in neuroscience and models of the way we work and feel a lot more optimistic about humanity.

I've also had a couple of out of body experiences that were quite profound and made me realise deeply life's a lot more complicated than that.

I also think life's a persistent fucker and isn't going to go away and is a complete waste of activist effort to focus on antinatalism rather than population reduction.

Plus I find the community incredibly disappointing as a while, most aren't even vegan, a lot are nihilistic (which to me is the opposite of AN) and use it as an excuse to be shitty human beings, some aren't even ideological antinatalists and what I'd say are 'cultural antinatalists' in that they just are self-glorified misanthropes who enjoy being in dark, niche subcultures.

I still think people have kids way too easily and that it's playing russian roulette but I no longer feel morally obliged to try to persuade people to get abortions or passively resent my parents for every little mishap in my life. For the most part I'm pretty happy with my life. I don't plan on having kids, I know too much.

I loathe factory farming, it's totally disgusting, but I don't think the quality of life for animals out in the wild is inherently bad.

I don't know I'm quite a sensitive person and thinking about all the suffering that goes on and trying to find some kind of justification for it is overwhelming and exhausting. I've found my resolves in spirituality and gnosis, but no I'm not going to say that prison camps in north korea and human trafficking are a reasonable price to pay for humanity's existence.

/r/veganarchism Thread