What Are Your Thoughts on Homosexuality and Atheism in Morocco?

Still waiting for your answer on death penalty for apostasy and being gay :). that's not ''peace'' at all you know. ''I haven't seen anything more logical than Islam.''
- Literally everything that science and researches has proved over the past century other than a book that was written a thousand years ago to manipulate the underdeveloped ignorant human brain back then. one thousand-two thousand years ago you could easily manipulate a human with your thoughts just like how a dog gets trained by his owner. if islam or any other man made religion came out today have good luck spreading it to humanity worldwide, you're gonna have a bit of a problem with that. and also, how about YOU prove how islam is'' logical'' with its outdated believes and barbaric rules and total manipulation of a person's life behind the excuse of spreading good? since i already proved mine? ''Most likely Muslims were involved in the creation of it.''
-This just destroyed my brain cells and apparently i was living a lie. a typical muslim that claims most if not all of the things the western world invented was made by muslims first. no wonder the arab world is a shithole that can't invent a flying f*ck to give.
''I think you're a threat to humanity for promoting homosexuality''
- i wasn't promoting a damn thing nor mentioned something about homosexuality. i'm just asking you to mind you own business between you and your god if you can and let all be. people have control over their own lives whether they want to be lesbian or transsexual or heterosexual or bisexual and you're nobody to tell them what is right and what is wrong. oh, and another side note, reddit was just promoting homosexuality and supporting it a couple of days ago prior to Orlando incident :) and so as google and facebook and, well, pretty much every american mega corporation. so i guess maybe you need to give reddit a break since they don't want to listen to your homophobic thoughts and going full on against your god and your believes?
''How is applying God's laws keeping this country aback?''
Nah, applying god's laws don't make a good country, it turns it more into a controlled, depressed shithole. look at Saudi arabia for example, and basically look at pretty much every arab country except UAE, it's also an arab and a muslim country but guess what? they didn't fully control their land with ''god's law'', and the result? they ended up being a better country than half of europe and most cities in the united states, and also loved by the western world and the only place that gave the middle east, arabs, and muslims a good reputation worldwide.
''it's about spreading diseases in society.''
How is homosexuality a disease? some people are born that way. some people are attracted to same sex. that's a preference and a personal choice, not a disease. if you're talking about a real disease like Aids or STD, that existed and still exists to this day thanks to prostitution and unprotected sex mainly between a male and a female, not homosexuals. if someone wants to be a homosexual he does it for himself, and he carries along to find another partner that is homosexual too. they don't go around forcing people to become gay or tell them how good it is to be gay and all. homosexuality was never a spread material and was never promoted. the whole buzz about it last year was because they were given their rights to mary and the world showed support. they didn't tell you to become one.

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