what are your thoughts on feminist ideas on gender?

I think I'm like most people in that agree with the core beliefs of feminism, but nowadays I have a hard time separating feminism from the SJW movement, which has pretty much become a parody of itself.

I guess the issue of "forced" gender roles is bigger depending on where you live but it's not like most parents force their boys to like GI Joe and force their girls to like Barbie's. Boys are naturally drawn toward danger and action and girls are naturally drawn toward cute and pretty things. It's obviously not always the case, but they're marketed that way for a reason.

I think the more interesting consequence of rejecting gender roles is the emergence of "nice guys". In Robert Glover's No More Mr Nice Guy he attributes the nice guy syndrome that Reddit loves to poke fun at to the post WW2 era society. He asserts that when young boys are raised primarily by women (divorced parents, father working, most likely female teachers, etc.) they learn to please others above all else and grow up to accept a female definition of what it meant to be male.

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