What are your thoughts on what lacy green is doing?

How can you say it's completely pointless though? Anti-feminists stop being so every day by coming across information that (sometimes over time) changes their minds. I've seen countless people on these very boards admit they used to be niceguy MRA types.

Nearly everyone I talk to about feminism on reddit has no idea what it actually is because everything they've read about it is from antifeminists, and if they read even a single academic feminist book they would realize they agree with a lot of it. So many of them are so young and are so easily taken in by misinformation. I don't believe the majority of these people are simply rotten at the core. Seeing Laci and their favourite antifeminist have a respectful conversation with each other is going to introduce so many people to genuine feminist dialogue for the first time ever in a context where many of them will be at least sort of open to listening. Saying it can't have any impact at all is just so pessimistic and not a reflection of reality.

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