What are your uncommon dealbreakers in relationships?

One time I dated a girl for pretty much an entire summer. I kind of went home with her one night and suddenly we were just together. My place or hers pretty much every night. During the several months we hung out she pretty much never paid for a single thing. This was fine with me, I was making more money than her at the time and I didn't particularly mind. Several months in though it occurred to me that suddenly it was just pretty much expected. Checks would come she'd just look at me. Or not even look at me, she'd just not even seem to realize paying was like a "thing" that someone had to do. So my birthday rolls around and she takes me out to dinner. The check comes and she makes this huge deal about how she's paying and that it's so gratifying that I liked dinner so much. I'm not sure why but I was just done with her in my mind right then and there. I probably finished the night with her but that was pretty much it after that. I remember thinking of the thousands of dollars I'd spent taking her wherever she'd wanted doing whatever she'd wanted and it just irritated me that she thought she was doing me some huge favor by spending money on one dinner that night. I guess I need some sense that we're on equal footing in some way. I'll pay for shit all day if there's some sense that it's appreciated at all or even acknowledged but if your don't even seem to give a shit that's when I'm just done.

/r/AskWomen Thread