What arguments are you tired of hearing?

Again, is that not racist to assume that without the due process of law? Innocent until proven guilty.

No because their crimes has nothing to fucking do with their genetics. This isn't a court of law, this is about people who exist to protect American citizens making threat assessments.

Also, where are you getting the idea Mexico is one of the most dangerous places on earth? Here are some US vs Mexico crime rates

America doesn't have entire buses of people kidnapped to never be seen again. America doesn't have countless tourist sold into sex slavery. Modern America doesn't have mass Graves found ever much less with 350 bodies in just a single set of them. America doesn't have severed heads thrown in front of elementary schools. America doesn't have people hung off the side of bridges. America doesn't have mayors and police chiefs murdered in the streets monthly.

But seeing that US citizens are nearly double as likely to be rapists than Mexican citizens

Rapes are vastly more reported here then they are in Mexico.

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