What is the "back in my day" story you will tell your grandkids when you get old?

I remember seeing color TV for the first time. Biggest upgrade to tv ever. Even better then HD.

I remember FM was the new thing and hardly had commercials.

I bought a calculator in 1977 that would +, -, /, * and was bigger then my cell phone now. It cost $20.

The pictures on view games boxes (Atari, Com64) look absolutely nothing like what was in the games.

Our phones were owned by the phone company and you rented them.

8 track tapes were shit, even back then. Cassettes were where it was at.

My first computer was a commodore 64. In the back of Compute! magazine were free programs. You had to type them in, save them to the cassette tape player and then load it from there (LOAD "*",8,1). If you were lucky enough to have a floppy drive, which held 170K was a godsend. It was single sided unless you bought a "notcher" which cut a chunk out of it so you could use the flip side, doubling it's data.

There was no internet. There were BBS which you found phone numbers for in the back of a local computer mag. I had a 300 baud modem. You could actually read the data as it downloaded. It was later upgraded to a screaming fast 1200baud modem and I joined QLink. Bonus points for anyone who remembers what happened to QLink.

Want to watch something on TV? You had to be home when it aired or wait till summer and it come on again in reruns.

You wanted to see a movie you went to a theater. Or hoped that someday it would come out on TV. They rarely did.

Girls were beautiful. Rarely overweight, and ALWAYS dressed nicely. No piercings or tats, and a lot of the time dressed in dresses or skirts. Always put on makeup and did their hair. (FYI if you see a girl whos running around in what looks like pajamas, RUN! that lazy bitch ain't worth you time).

Music was about romance and love. Now it's all about bangin' ho's and puttin' caps in a nigga's ass.

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