What is the background of remain voters in Wales?

Do you not agree that English immigration into Welsh speaking areas is a problem? Most people in the Welsh speaking heartland think so.

They don't integrate, they don't make an effort whatsoever to learn our language and they're destroying our communities.

One whole street of our Welsh speaking village is holiday homes, owned by the Englsh. Most of the businesses in my village are owned by the English and I've been told not to speak Welsh at them a few times!

Some of my friends will never be able to afford a home in the Welsh speaking villages they grew up in because some millionaires from Cheshire are ready to pay out of their arses for a holiday home so they can use the area like a playground.

I could go on forever as to why they're a problem, another one is their retirees moving here en masse and putting a massive strain on our NHS.

The Welsh language and culture is most important to me, it's above everything else. If my language and culture ever gets threatened, I'd happily become a martyr.

/r/Wales Thread Parent