What basic behavior/etiquette standard are you shocked that you had to teach a grown-ass adult?

No, but I can tell by the way you commented, that you are completely overreacting to the situation. I don't doubt the cashier might have given you a little bit of attitude, but I really doubt that they were rude enough for you to use a word like audacity to describe the situation. US debit=debit. Visa debit=credit. I assume you were probably at a commissary somewhere because that is the only place I have seen this. If you were, the one on top is credit, the one on bottom is debit.

If the cashier was truly that rude to you, you should have reported it. My guess is, it was more like you were frustrated and upset by the machine which is programmed very poorly, so you gave off some attitude about something that cashiers have nothing to do with. Cashiers are only human and when you give off attitude, sometimes they give off attitude back. Personally, I understand that customers get upset about such things and just let it slide. I kill with kindness because I know that even if the cashier is right management is pretty much always going to take a customer's side, but some people aren't as good an actor as I am and don't have the patience that I do.

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