What we have become :(((

They don't go to church, they don't focus on anything other than immigration and don't seek to revive anything.

Alt-rights are inferior people who want to go back to a time where their skin tone alone made them have some value. They're fat, disgusting, tendie-loving losers. The funny thing is the most based auth-rights I've met in reality are not the alt-right, they're Islamists. Arab Muslims are highly religious, frown highly upon degenerates, many actually lift because struggling is life (jihad is literally "the struggle"), want to return to a strong state system, etc. Neckbeards by contrast don't actually have any vision for how the world would work beyond being given validation for simply existing. That's pretty much their platform - they are a people who failed and are not given validation but were promised the world by their parents and now they're flailing their arms about in impotent rage.

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