What Has Been Your Worst Drug Experience... In A Nutshell?

Took 250ug of acid at around 10 in the morning. Overall, it wasn’t too interesting but I remember at one point, a couple minutes after the peak, looking at the floor and seeing it swirl into green, evil faces which seemed to form a weird vortex that made it look like the floor was opening up into an abyss lol. That eventually went away but I remember thinking that I was kind of done with lsd and wanting to take a long break. Wish it could have just ended there.

At around 11pm, I had definitely come down and my friend came over with some weed he said was really good so we loaded up my bong. I hadn’t smoked in a while, but had been dabbing every 2 days and had a tolerance built up so I thought I was good so snap a whole bowl.

At first, I started tripping again and it was pretty good. Not like the trip earlier, but some light visuals. Within 10 min of that, it felt like something just kind of turned on in my head, like I was just waking up. Then, I must have given myself psychosis from taking lsd about once a week for 2 months because before I know it I’m hearing voices in my head, literally having he worst panic attack of my life, and just end up telling my friend to leave and curling up into the fetal position in my bed and crying/panicking for what must have been at least 4 hours, listening to voices tell me I was schizophrenic and that was it I was fucked for life.

I woke up the next day, and for the next 2 months, I spent hours every single day terrified out of my mind, worried that I would start hearing voices again. That fucked me up to the point where, even a year later, I sometimes will hear things like someone closing a backpack or opening a door and freak myself out thinking it’s the voices coming back.

/r/Drugs Thread