What behaviors scream narcissism?

Let's see.. In my mind anyone that works hard and doesn't do shady stuff has my utmost respect. Doesn't matter what you do. You do it well? They pay you? Great! I will be glad to date you. That kept in mind,

First he wanted to go to medschool, then decided he doesn't like medicine. Then he wanted to do education. That didn't work out too. Little did I know he had a felony record, so he can't do anything. Every time I ask him what he does he changes the subject. I am not sure if he even works. When I went to medschool he decided that he is going to ignore the whole thing. The only times he mentioned it to say how hard it is do find a residency especially for someone as socially awkward as me. So I will have a lot of loans and no job. I of course found a residency and loans are fine.

Comments like these: so are you losing weight? I am not overweight. You are awkward but I love you. Are there any guys in medschool that like you? You know I used to date this girl, that girl. This girl at work likes me I think, etc. All if this started once I went away for the said medschool.

Gives the impression that he is the one taking care of his entire family and paints them as people that only take his money and give nothing back. They all work hard and as far as I know provide free housing for him. Badmouths his sisters and mother. Says all they do is ask for favors.

When he realized that being a jerk to me would not work decided to give me money and a car. I still don't know why? I make good money and have my own car. I am still confused over that one.

So basically once a very nice guy completely changed into this egoistic man that loves putting down people and talking about himself. He once was asking to tell him about people that fail medschool exams after sex. I think hearing other people's failures soothes him. I just looked at him strange. I am not going to talk my friends failures!!

Part of me still hopes that he will get back to his old self but the part in me that knows psychiatry thinks that he is destroyed beyond repair at this point. We are obviously not together anymore.

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