What is behind state legislatures being flooded with anti-LGBT measures?

You dont find some of the LGBTQ agendas/tactics a little overboard though? It seems as if they want to get their mitts on kids as early as possible. Start screwing with their identities. Suggesting this or that. Offering up lifestyles and choices that a young child should not be having to make. Im starting to feel like this LGBTQ thing isnt about acceptance but more about embracing and those are two totally different things, IMO.

Every person, regardless of gender should be treated with respect. No one is arguing against this or at least Im not. But, a "kid-friendly drag show"? Google it. What the hell is that about? Seriously? That has nothing to do with rights or respect. Thats called foisting something onto impressionable children and its not cool at all.

Sorry but I will always err on the side of caution when it comes to young kids. That means that the LGBTQ playbook will have to be kept away from them for the most part. Alls they need to know a this point is that you treat people with respect. They dont need to know anything else or any details about gender swapping or any of that stuff right now.

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