What do you think of the belief having kids is wrong because life is inevitable suffering throughout, could die painfully of cancer or something, you can't get consent, and it's for selfish reasons?

Thank you so much for the thoughtful response. Maybe the word "suffering" is harsh. I should have used 'harm', but to me, it is essentially the same. We experience harm throughout life from the moment we are born. For the sake of argument, I will discount the large portion of the world that is suffering from poverty and starvation. If we are lucky, born in the "1st world", we only minor harm stemming from things like the trauma of birth, boredom, brief hunger, losing a loved one. If are not so fortunate we can experience great harms. When we gave children, we roll the dice on how much harm, but there is always some. We see " beauty " because if there was none there would be no incentive to keep living. But unborn people do not see nor desire this "beauty". Most people agree the unborn aren't waiting in some limbo to be born so being denied the "opportunity of life" is no harm. But then again, not everyone sees the beauty or agrees that there is, and just because most do, it doesn't mean we are right and the ones who do not are wrong or that the harm brought to them is any less important. Again, thank you for your thoughts.

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