What I believe REALLY happened at the end of the Menu (2022)

I think there’s a lot of assumptions being made here that aren’t really supported by the film. Not to mention the movie wasn’t exactly subtle with its class critique. I think the story is precisely how it’s presented to us because that’s ultimately the message the creator wanted to communicate. Slowik despises the pretentious, self important “foodies” and critics. He mentions how the rich older couple has dined with him so many times they forget what they even ate because they just take it all for granted. There’s also the awesome exchange where he asks the girl with the movie star where she went to college. He then asks if she has student loans and when she says no, he instantly says “I’m sorry, you’re dying”. He learns that Margo is far from privileged and does not at all reflect the values and general douche baggery of his other guests so he decides to let her leave.

The explicit themes of the movie would be drastically undercut by some highly complicated scheme that relies on a couple breaking up, a guy opting to use an escort service rather than just go alone or bringing a non-sex worker date or friend/relative which is what most others would do, having a specific escort hired by him who is so devoted to playing her role in his scheme that she fights the hostess to the death and stays in character even when alone.

/r/horror Thread