What is the best line you've ever written in a fic?

Hmmm I really liked some lines from a POV challenge I did once.

3rd person: The cry that had gone up as he left would be one that would long haunt his dreams. It was not overly loud or shrill, but it was the sound of a human heart breaking, a soul shattering.

The miko had lost everything.

3rd person: And then you scream, because if you don’t, if you don’t let out the pain that is bursting in your chest, you will surely explode outward into a million little pieces. You scream because you’ve just lost everything that was ever important to you and then some. You scream because they’re gone, and they’re not coming back, and after everything you’ve done and sacrificed it’s just… not fair.

And then your throat is raw and bloody, and you can’t scream out loud anymore, but you’re still screaming in your head.

/r/FanFiction Thread