What is the best revenge you ever took on someone?

I was being bullied in middle school by the popular sporty girl. She did everything she could to make my life miserable, especially in gym class. One day we were placed on the same volleyball team for our gym unit. Someone passed her the ball and it looked like she was preparing to spike the volleyball over the net. At the last second she decided to spike the volleyball right at my face. She hit me so hard I cried and had to get an ice pack from the nurse. The worst part is all she did was laugh, didn’t even apologize. The next day of volleyball I was really feeling bitter toward her. Once again we were placed on the same volleyball team, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. She was off her guard for a split second, so I took the opportunity to spike her right back in the face. Nobody felt sorry for her is the best part, they all just stared at her as she shamefully tried to collect herself. She never really messed with me again after that.

/r/AskReddit Thread