What do you think is the best way to treat Mormon missionaries?

I don't see a problem with letting them tell us their message, or tolerating their attempts at conversion. I know it's not true, and so there's no harm in listening to what I view as nonsense. The "no message" thing rubs me the wrong way. I want to set a good example. "Don't tell me things I don't want to hear," sets a terrible example -- and, in fact, it confirms that the way they are currently living is normal.

One of my biggest troubles with how they are being limited re: the information they take in is that, if they truly felt confident in their beliefs, they could be exposed to everything and anything. And they could think about everything and anything. And when they'd done those two things, they'd still believe.

So I would prefer to set the example I wish for them to follow: let people tell you anything and everything, because what you believe is not true or valuable if it can't survive external bombardment.

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