What is Best and Worst Movie Theater Experiences?

Best is hard to say, but my dad died of covid in 2020 and I'm most thankful for the zillion movies we went to in the couple years before, even the bad ones. Last movie we saw was Call of the Wild. Man, in the year of movie pass we just saw everything.

Worst: I had an old girlfriend contact me, she needed someone to sign some legal shit saying they were a witness to her children living with her so she could get some form of welfare, and didn't have anyone else to turn to. I was just trying to do the right thing to help so I just agreed and met her. For some reason we met at the movie theater, maybe she needed to get away, can't really remember. I think we saw Disturbia. After signing the thing she instantly turned incredibly mean and just said really cruel shit the rest of the night. It got really weird and tense, but I didn't just want to leave her and run off because she was going through some life shit, but it just continued. Just mean personal berating shit, not even specifically about our relationship. I just took it. We were both very young and I never really figured it out. I've thought maybe it was just out of embarrassment of the situation, maybe she just needed to vent on someone, or maybe she thought it would rekindle something and was upset that it didn't, or maybe she thought I was trying to rekindle something (I certainly wasn't) and was trying to shut it down. I don't know. Haven't seen her since. Hope she's alright.

/r/movies Thread