What is the biggest "oh fuck, I'm dead" thing you've done at work, but nobody ever found out?

I used to work at a franchise juice bar, let's call it Mambo Moose. I was a shift supervisor at the time (kind of a manager, but with less authority). There was this homeless guy, John, who was super well spoken and polite and could easily pass as some "dead-head" hippy guy that would come in for water and chat with me and the other employees. I was 19 at the time and was working with my 15 year old co-worker, who's maturity level was very low, even for her age. She was the type that thought talking about how "bad" she is would get others to like her, and was constantly trying to gain the approval of others. Anywho, John comes in for his usual power sized water, and joins in on me and 15yo's conversation. We were talking about kitchen cleanliness, etc. Me, being the "fun fact" kind of person I am, told 15yo about how I was told in my nutrition class that you are legally not allowed to deny a customer the right to see how their food is prepared (whether or not that's true, I just said what I heard in class). Upon hearing that she screams "Oh mY GaWd JoHN! Do u wAnT tO SeE tHE BacK of MaMBo MoOse?!?!?" And before I know it he's sprinting around the corner and she's giving him a tour of the freezer, fridge, employee desk area, heck she may as well have shown him how to unlock the safe. I was frozen in shock for about 2 minutes until I awkwardly said "uhhhhhhhh I don't like this, please stop." Thankfully they understood and John went back into the lobby area. I have never been so scared of losing my job in my life. I managed to collect myself and ask John to leave, and told 15yo that what just happened was completely inappropriate and we can never tell anyone about it (with her show-off-ish personality I was terrified that she would tell our co-workers this story in an attempt to look cool). 15yo says "BuT Yuh saID tHaT YUh LeGAlLy CaNt DeNy a CuStoMer The RiGHt to SeE the FoOD prePaRATiOn?!?" I had to explain why inviting a homeless man into the back of Mambo Moose is different than denying a customer the right to see how their food is prepared and spent the rest of my shift in awkward and tense silence. My manager never found out, but we remain good friends to this day. A few years after leaving that job I finally had the courage to tell her and she just laughed in my face.

/r/AskReddit Thread