What was the biggest 'plot twist' that happened in your life?

Years ago I was dating my first girlfriend; I won't go into details about it but I have never felt anything close to how I felt when I was with her I was besotted and would have done anything for her. I know she loved me and felt the same way for me. We were inseparable. I was nearing the end of High School and looking at prospect universities when she broke up with me out of what felt like the blue. In retrospect, maybe it was my fault maybe it was hers. Anyway, without being extremely detailed and giving you all the ins and outs of my life with this girl, I descended in a rapid spiral shortly after the break up - going out being extremely reckless, drinking far far too much until one night I was arrested for driving without a license in a stolen car and leading the cops on a wild goose chase past the local mall... I might mention that we also live in a Muslim country as expats. The law is Sharia which frowns upon any kind of mind altering substance. Long story short, I was charged with public intoxication, underrage drinking, driving without a license, vehicle theft (this was later dropped) and damage to municipal property. I went to jail for about a week while my bail was posted and the whole lengthy process of prosecuting me was underway. In the end I was forgiven for my misdeeds given that I was underage at the time (17 - I turned 18 while I was in jail. I also missed my senior prom) I am in no way blaming my ex for this! To be clear, my own stupid emotions got the better of me and I acted out in a stupid way which affected me and my family in the worst way possible.

I ended up going to University and I'm now working with a well known company whose products most of you will use every day.

TL;DR: Loved a girl, thought I would be with her until I died, she broke up with me, destroyed my heart, I went on a wild binge and got arrested for stealing a car and joy riding got arrested and missed senior prom :) Everything turned out okay though!

/r/AskReddit Thread