What is the biggest "this relationship won't last" red flag you've ever seen at a wedding?

A wedding I was actually a groomsmen in. The groom was my best friend and I had gone over to his house a couple months before wedding just hanging out and shooting the shit. He looks at me with a straight face and goes: “this is going way too fast and I’m freaking out”

Oh shit.

We talk about it and he says he still loves her but he thinks it was all rushed but it’s clear to me throughout this convo he is slowly convincing himself this is for the best and what he should be doing. I give as much advice as I could without being the guy that ruined a wedding. I mean what do you say in that situation?

Alright well now it’s wedding day and his groomsmen are me, his brother, cousin, and two friends he hasn’t spoken to in a year bc they are border line alcoholics that treated groom and me like shit for a while and we cut ties.

We all barely made it to the wedding bc half of them were drunk as hell and while riding to site in grooms vehicle he has to meet his dad at gas station...ok cool. Turns out he had to meet his dad there to pay for his gas.....dude didn’t have enough money to pay for a quarter tank of gas. Yikes

We get there and groom and a couple of groomsmen are half drunk still. We are out in parking lot and they starting cracking open more beers, wedding is in an hour at this point. Then the bride and groom did a private vow reading before ceremony started and guess what...groom left his vows at the house (if you knew this guy you would be like me and pretty much know he didn’t write them in the first place) Oddly enough ceremony went well.

Groom ends up missing the mother son dance and part of the bride and groom dance bc he was basically “tailgating” in the parking lot drinking with his former buddies.

Marriage lasted 7 months.

/r/AskReddit Thread