What was the biggest total fuck up you ever done at your place of employment and got away with?

This isn't really a huge fuck up I guess, but made me shit a brick when it happened.

We used to use netsend to message each others PCs at work every now and then. For those that don't know what netsend is it basically displays a generic looking windows pop-up with your message on the machine you send it to.

I could see my coworker sitting at his desk one Friday from where I sat, so thought it would be safe to send the message "Let's chug a couple beers at (insert local bar here) during lunch". Hey I was 22 and stupid, don't judge.

I get no message back from him and eventually go over to see if he got my message. He did NOT get the message. I go back to my desk and wonder where I sent the message. Long story short I realize I sent it to the wrong machine name - they were all named after Greek gods which I was never good at :-( .

I looked at a list of machine names and realized I sent it to my boss!! Crap! I casually walk by his office and he's not in there. I'm freaking out and don't know what to do as I don't want him to see my idiotic message. His laptop is sitting there in the dock with screen saver on.

In a moment of desperation I quickly walk in and move his mouse...his computer is locked. In a moment of desperation I hold down the power bottom to shut the thing off. Nevermind whatever documents he had open on there, hopefully he saved them, I thought. To avoid suspicion I turn it back on so it will be waiting for him back at the login screen when he returns.

Yup, I never used netsend ever again after that day.

/r/AskReddit Thread