What is this black tar oozing out of the wall? (Obviously ectoplasm)

I'm sorry to tell you but your house is possibly experiencing the early stages of a keter-class anomaly. This sentient sporicidin based organism infect homes and other inhabited buildings. It takes 50-100 years for the anomaly to mature and have full control over it's powers. This possible anomaly was first recorded in an classified location in the NE United States. To further clarify the current state of the anomaly I need to ask you a few questions.

*Have you or anyone in your house begun to experience any of the following:

Dimensions of rooms, closets, doorways, hallways change size seemingly at will?

Hallucinations and 'phantoms'?

Odd rumblings or disembodied voices?

Objects moving on their own?

New doors or hallways appearing where there were none before leading into an impossible space?


In it's early stages anomalies of this class begin manipulating space time and creating hallucinations or thoughts to feed off human emotions. Rooms have also been noted to change size and shape. This will progress for a number of years before it has fed enough to reach maturity. As it begins to mature it will spread through out the structure of the house, sometimes spilling out through small cracks in walls or ceilings. It can appear as a thick, black, almost oily substance. This substance will eventually harden as the anomaly ages.

As it reaches full maturity it will gain sentience which will change it's feeding habits. At this stage it is dangerous and will begin to read the minds of the inhabitants and affect their mood and motivations. It will create a crawlspace, door or hallway which seemingly leads to an impossible space. Again, I must warn you that when this occurs that you do not under any circumstances enter this passage and resist and urge to enter. This passage is equivalent to the anomaly's mouth. The anomaly has the ability to create a quasi-reality by creating a new bubble universe in the space between our own and a neighboring one. This space can take any shape or size. From the size of a small room to an almost infinitely sized cavern to a maze. Though there has been records of people entering and leaving, this space is still considered dangerous and likely result in your being trapped and killed.

I highly recommend that you contact your local SCP containment facility and explain the situation to them. They will assist by sending out a response team to study the anomaly and if possible contain and secure it in a SCP holding facility.

/r/whatisthisthing Thread Link - imgur.com