What Do You Call a Down and Out Champagne Socialist?

Well, thanks, it feels good to be accepted for a change.

I suppose that I don't really need an insult for myself and others like me, but, what I really mean, though, is that, though entirely sympathetic, I'm ultimately far more interested in starting some sort of "Art" band than I am in organizing any sort of protest. This, quite often, becomes a great point of contention, when more or less everyone else that I know is kind of just of the same general deportment. I had figured that, were I willing to sacrifice to the coining of such a term, that I may actually be able to get said "Art" band off of the ground.

I have no real animosity towards the rich, outside of, at least, the problem of evil, which I have identified as to exploit human cruelty in order to accumulate social capital and to conspire to continue to do so, often for political power, but more often than you may expect, purely just out of an odd kind of chauvinism, which you see within people of all walks of life, but is, perhaps, more prevalent among the rich than in other sets of society, as I do see it that our plights have been engendered because of systemic flaws handed down from a patrimony of despondency, and, so, I feel no real need to demarcate just who is and is not among the ever illusive "working class", but am so likely to wonder as to whether or not we really are all among it and to what varying degrees. There are two sets of Anarchists who hang out at the local bookstore where I live. There are people who are technically precariously employed, but with degrees that will let them have a white collar job when they decide to give up upon the revolution and there are people who have at, perhaps, more than one point in their lives been homeless, which, though, within said local scene is kind of a distinction that is never quite taken into enough consideration. Within the broader Art's community, there are, again, a slew of people who are ultimately precariously employed, some of whom could have better options, and some of whom could not. There are also kind of a lot of people who live in gentrified neighborhoods who, for the social capital tha

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