What can i do to be a better fc leader?

One of the biggest changes to improve the FC was change how i recruit members. I used to be one of the playersearch, send inv to any E players w/o a FC. Now i take much more care and consideration and it brings in a higher quality of players that are more social and friendly. Growth is slower but better.

It depends on the situation, there is no 1 rule fits all style thing. You have to try and get all sides of the story, what exactly is going on, try not to be biased and a bunch of other things.

I like to promote people when they are online so they get the message and they can ask stuff like whats in the rank. They then also know they are doing something right as they see their promotion. However because of this sometimes if im busy or we are not on at the same times for a while they might not rank at the time i wanted to rank them. I base it off how social they are mostly because its the easiest to notice but if someones being helpful it is worth much more than being social to me.

Generic social FC, got a few endgame crafters and people that can offer advice and it gets more social like 5pm onwards.

Yes, there can be fine lines between it going well and it going badly. If it fucks up either try to repair the damages or be firm with it. You cant partly be sorry and then put your foot down on it or something.

/r/ffxiv Thread