what can be gathered just by looking at my chart? also I notice I have a lot a Sagittarius placements, what does it mean specifically?

Such a coincidence that I saw your post but I was born 3 days later on the 25/11/1995 so our charts are very similar except my moon is in capricorn and I'm an Aries rising! I've also always wondered how crazy it is to have so many planets in sag but I've been told that we are very lucky because we have our venus & mars conjunct jupiter which is very fortunate, also a very important part of our personality would be our sun conjunct pluto, you should check up on that I've learned a lot about myself studying that aspect. I moved out of my homecountry really young and left my whole life behind for my foreign partner :D I guess I'm a bit of a cliché sagittarius in that area, traveling and devoting my life to yoga/spirituality has been my big life focus since all the planets are in my 9th house, but I guess for you your life will evolve more around home and family life. Beautiful!

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