What can a script kiddie do?

They can use ZAP to find potential format string vulns, which oftentimes can crash a webserver just by typing the character '

Are you sure you're thinking of a format string vuln? ' doesn't have any special meaning in format strings and certainly wouldn't result in a crash like %s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s%s might.

Using ' sounds more like SQL, LDAP, Command or similar Injection attacks though those don't 'oftentimes' result in crashing a webserver just an error message and at best crashing the handling process/thread but no lasting denial of service like what would happen from crashing the webserver.

Though I'm intrigued, can you elaborate on the type of attack your thinking of? I don't think its a format string vuln but I'm sure you do have something in mind I'm not thinking of.

They have a lot of trouble creating exploits.

More on topic, that's pretty much the catch, the ability to develop your own exploits otherwise your dependent on exploit scripts (like metasploit modules or proper standalone scripts) which is what defines a script kiddie.

There is a far less popular term lamer that I believe better represents those that simply lack understanding of how the attacks work. Script kiddies can have some understanding of the basic attacks but remain dependent on various scripts and tools to exploit anything that isn't an easy target.

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