What case are you using with your gen3 pro?

There are some ok ones on Aliexpress. I got a very basic and cheap one from a brand called ESR on that site

https://www.aliexpress.com/item/ESR-Case-for-iPad-Pro-11-2018-Yippee-Color-PU-Leather-Transparent-PC-Back-Ultra-Slim/32920336834.html?spm=a2g0s.9042311.0.0.2d0d4c4d30G71o .

As a warning, some of them such as this one take up the Apple Pencil’s space so aren’t compatible with it (unless you’re miraculously genius at cutting a chunk from the side off) , but I’m not intending on using the pencil so I was ok with it (but be careful about that if you are)

Overall however these are probably a better deal than the ones that Apple offer

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