What do you think caused your BPD?

My parents were practically polar opposites. My mom is neurotic and introverted, my dad is reckless and extroverted, quick to anger. They split while I was in middle school.

Both were very inconsistent in their affection/attention giving. They were lazy and don't always want to take me to things like dance, or Girl Scouts meetings. They hated when I had friends over, so I never did, and never wanted to drive me to a friends or pick me up. So I spent a lot of time alone with my dog, or my crazy neighbors who abused me and some of the other neighborhood kids (they were my age, not creepy adults).

I watched my father beat the shit out of my mother one night after drinking too much (he only ever did that once, I'm not sticking up for him, but to his credit, he knew when he hit rock-bottom and did actively do his best to better himself). Sometimes he would hit me. He always yelled.

My mother would lock herself in the bathroom just to be alone. She would hide a lot and was never very involved in actual parenting, she was taking care of her parents, too, as they were both very sick (now deceased) She also heavily favored my older brother from a different marriage as his father was INSANELY abusive and she held a lot of guilt around that.

Both were very overprotective. In public my dad acted like my body guard, but at home or at family parties, I remember crying just because I wanted their attention for a minute and they'd ignore me, my dad more than my mom. He would play with my cousins and I would feel very hurt and jealous and go pout.

They were like. The parental embodiment of bipolar together, not separately, and their unpredictable love and random abuses were the perfect cocktail for a BPD bipolar little girl.

I'm probably going to delete this soon.

/r/BPD Thread