What is causing my lack of success with women?

I feel like "mentalcel" comes to mind, and I'm sorry for putting it so bluntly. You are attractive. If the women you were hanging out with made racial comments about you, either they were making a horrible not okay attempt at flirting or you are hanging out with some not so great women. Are you REALLY trying to just make friends or are you trying to be nice in order to get laid? Making friends is hard, I put myself out there every time I go out and I've literally only hung out with one person outside of the original context. My advice is to do things you enjoy, leave your number or Instagram handle and let the rest happen. Most of the time nothing will happen other than you did something that you liked.. sometimes you'll have someone to get coffee with, and maybe eventually you'll have a real connection. If you're trying to get laid, be honest with yourself, honest with the other people. Both situations are a numbers game. Don't get discouraged, don't assume people are out go get you or make fun of you (they're too worried about themselves), and enjoy your life.

/r/socialskills Thread