What changed your philosophy of life?

Warning: Unnecessarily deep and lengthy.

Growing up with really strict parents I could do whatever I wanted as long as I gave my full effort into getting some kind of degree. There definitely wasn't a lack of discipline however, because if I did anything even remotely bad I was screamed at until I cried (and I'm not talking single digit ages). My parents had outsourced me to our nanny, and she'd do whatever I wanted to as long as it didn't involve food and I left my parents alone. Most of my memories include swinging alone on swing sets, or slowly drifting in otherwise still pools; long car rides as I fell asleep to the heat from the sun baking the car. She had her own way of punishing me by telling me to take naps for entire afternoons while I was locked in my room. My parents enjoyed their young adulthood eating out, going to parties, ...etc.

It sounds depressing in retrospect but I had nothing to compare it to. I never went to anyone else's house or anything like that. I feel grateful I was able to live as comfortably I did, but I was dull and apathetic. The ability to buy any toy or thing I wanted didn't spoil me because I never wanted anything. My parents were new to wealth and was able to get there by their own hard work and determination. There was a moment when my parents noticed how deadpan I was, and considering I have had chronic migraines my entire life doctors owned it up to fatigue.

I had a crush on a girl, Amanda, and I would see her every year for as long as I went to that private school. In the many years I went to school with her, the only thing she said to me was "Happy Birthday!" using her mom as proxy. When I was probably 15 I made a complete 180 and have ever since been completely gay. Most of my childhood was me observing my world, learning how to undo doorknobs and fix things. I loved understanding how things worked, but homosexuality was one thing that nobody had a legitimate answer for. There was a sudden context that something was abnormal, and my first response (having moved to conservative Texas) was how do I fix this? You start off with a template that abnormality is wrong, and kids will pick on you, and that's exactly what happened.

It took me a while but I came to the conclusion that if I was simply a separate category, it can come with its own definitions. I'm not expected anymore to be dating women constantly, or get asked about how much longer until the hypothetical children start existing. Ultimately I just want to travel down the path that makes me happiest, and at least stay conscious about what matters to me.

TL;DR: Super dull until super gay. Being gay doesn't make sense, and I couldn't care less.

/r/AskReddit Thread