What character did you sympathize with the most?

I felt the most for Okabe.

Only half way done with the anime but the MC from your lie in april has the closest issues with me. [](/s "I too have momma issues. I only seen her for two days since March 2006 and I definitely painted a bad picture of her in my head even though I know she was a loving mother. She didn't physically abuse or verbally abuse me, she just left one day - but its a little more complicated then that. I convinced myself she didn't love me at one point and it got worse as it went on.

I also have trouble with ladies similar to the MC because, similarly I have trouble thinking people could love me - probably both of us with our warped view on our mothers. I just think girls like me because I have an attractive body and face - and don't like me for who I am so I never have opened up to any female.")

I really sympathize with the elric brothers - as we are in the same situation.

/r/anime Thread