What childhood injustice are you still mad about?

I've been waiting to tell this story to someone, because I haven't. I was dropped out of this school because of this story. It's pretty long, so if anyone reads this and would love to TL:DR it for me, that'd be extremely appreciated.

Okay, so, in 4th grade, I had the WORST teacher ever, we'll call her Miss I. She would yell at kids if they even made the slightest noise while she was talking. She beat up a kid in her class because he shot a spitball at her.

So, I was a pretty quiet, shy, depressed, lonely, nerdy, and very anxious child. (Most of that is still a thing about me to this day, haha.) Now, on my report card, I got an N for No for "participation" because I was shy, and didn't speak much. Because of this, I was held back for a class party one day.

I was left out of this party with only one other kid from the entire 4th grade. This kid had some sort of medical issue that kept him behind, though, which wasn't fair in my opinion. This party was a movie, I think it was Ice Age the second or something, but they had popcorn, snacks, etc. And, on parent teacher conferences, my mother said to Miss I that I needed to socialize more.

So, while every other kid in the school had this movie party from noon to the end of school, I was stuck with Miss I and this sick kid doing pre-thanksgiving themed assignments. They didn't even count toward my grade, Miss I said they were just for fun. I said I wouldn't do it because of that, and so she yelled at me, and hit me. By that point, I was crying, and my anxiety kicked in severely to the point where I was hyper-ventilating, but only she and this other kid could hear me since no one else was on the floor of the school I was on.

She couldn't stand it anymore, so she went to the break-room to get some coffee. She said if we were missing, that we would have detention for the rest of the year. I was scared she would come back and yell at us more, or hit me again.

So, from about 12:00 to 2:00 I was stuck in this room, with just this other kid who was just doing random stuff like running around the room, watching the people outside, and more that I can't remember because I had my head in the desk for more than an hour.

My mother than came to pick me up, and since I didn't show up for about 10 minutes, she went to look for me herself, since no one in the school knew where I was other than my teacher.

My mother told me she checked the auditorium where this was happening, and she asked the principle and he said that I was one of the two left-out. He then guided my mother to check the 4th grade classrooms. So, my mother comes, sees me upset, with my head in the desk, and no teacher. Keep in mind, Miss I has been at the break room for much longer than 2 hours. We didn't even risk leaving for the bathroom as we were scared we would've been caught. Now, as we go downstairs, we see Miss I, furious that I left the classroom.

My mother than says I had a doctor appointment and that I had to go early. My mother is then yelling at Miss I for yelling at me because she had left me in a classroom with nothing entertaining to do at all because I got an N for being the shy, quiet, and anxious child I was.

There were multiple conferences after that, and I was dismissed from that school. I am still furious about that to this very day, especially since she was never fired from the school, they thought we were just lying about the whole situation because my brother had problems at this same school too, and I discuss it whenever I'm asked about my experience in elementary school.

/r/AskReddit Thread