What is Chomsky's stance on Gun Control?

Why is 'Noams' stance on Gun Control so important to you? It's like people treat public figures like they're the Oracle at Delphi, and prominent public intellectuals as though they're founding schools of thought. Does he have to fall somewhere definite on some imagined pro/contra spectrum to satisfy you? What if he doesn't have a simple yes/no, more/less stance than can be summarized in a line or two, would that make you happy or distress you?

I don't doubt he's been asked similar questions before, after the numerous massacres that have occurred over the decades he's flourished and has had insights to offer, but it's also not his area of greatest interest and expertise (that's probably somewhere between (political?) philosophy and linguistics in my estimation). He's probably referred people in the past to others who have worked and studied the issue, serious academics and studies, who have probably looked at gun violence, laws and statistics in various countries. It's almost predictable.

Did you seriously consider searching for 'Noam Chomsky gun control' or 'Noam Chomsky Uttoya reactions' or 'Sandy Hook reactions' or 'Port Arthus reaction' on your own first?

I'm not trying to attack or demean you, just want you to maybe pause next time you ask a question that you probably should be able to answer easily for yourself.

Here's a reddit threat offering an answer to that question.

Here's a video

and Here's an article on his appearence on David Jones I believe. May you learn something and have fun at the same time.

This also mentions gun control too

/r/chomsky Thread