What civilian jobs would the frames have?

I'm bored.

Equinox would be delusional superhero.

She would wander the streets, asking people if they need help or have been attacked. She assaults teenagers, telling them not to do drugs and stay and school while flailing at them wildly. She would call herself Dayman, champion of the sun.

As her condition deteriorates, she realizes there has been a rash of thefts as of late. From her frenetic interrogations she learns that the thief would rip purses off passerby while screaming "The Nightman Cometh!". Upon hearing this, she decides then and there that the nightman is her arch-nemesis and must stop.

A problem arises. Equinox, the dayman, never knows where the nightman will be, as the nightman always seems to attack when the dayman is sleeping. While crazy, she catches on this trend quickly and decides to sleep as little as possible, priding herself that she inspires fear into the hearts of knaves and criminal scum such as nightman.

This doesn't stop the nightman however, but rather galvanizes him. As Equinox gets less and less sleep, the nightman's actions become more vicious. Broken limbs, stab wounds, bank robberies. The lack of sleep and escalation of crime climax in a corpse of a kavat on Oberon's doorstep with a message written in entrails: "you're next".

Equinox, the dayman, catches note of this and takes crazed action immediately. She boards up all of Oberon's windows and locks herself inside with him. Oberon begs and pleads to be left alone but he's too weak to overpower Equinox. Equinox merely ignores his screams and shrieks that she is fighting the nightman. As the hours go by, the impending attack of the nightman weighs on Equinox more and more until after 93 hours, she succumbs to the sweet grip of repose.

She wakes up covered in her friend's blood. Not her blood. Panic sets in as she checks the windows and doors for signs of entry, but she feels a cold sweat as the truth starts to tide over on her like a tsunami. Finally, she looks at herself in a mirror and her reflection seemed to warp and shimmer. I am the nightman

Equinox would then shortly check herself into a very white and soft room, her last heroic act.

/r/Warframe Thread