What is the closest you have come to death?

I was in Flagler Beach, Florida for Spring Break a few years back as either a sophomore or junior in high school. I brought a few edibles down for the trip because we were with my friends parents and I didn't want smell to be an issue. So, after underestimating how strong an edible would affect me, I'm chilling in the Atlantic with my friend having a great time when suddenly we hear cries for help from a fairly obese dad and his young boy (8 if I had to guess). Immediately I begin to swim out to them and my friend runs to shore to get a boogie board as there were no lifeguards. Once I reach them I grabbed the boy and started to attempt to swim towards the shore but it was very evident we were in a strong rip current. Very foolishly I continued to try and fight the current until I started to reach the point of absolute exhaustion. At a certain point I accepted death and that I was about to drown, at which point my brain must have desperately began to search for some kind of solution because I swear as soon as I accepted death an image of a warning sign for rip currents and what to do if you get caught in one appeared into my head. I started swimming to my right and sure enough I was then able to swim to shore with the last of my energy, still carrying the absolutely terrified kid. I collapsed in the sand once I got to shore and almost passed out, never saw the dad or kid again but the Mom came out of of their beach place to personally thank me at least. I also almost got in a head on collision with a bus going 25+mph going 30+ mph on long board, but veered off the road at the last second and ripped a metal cable box clean out of the ground, putting me into shock but somehow not breaking any bones.

/r/AskReddit Thread