what comes After the star wars the force awakens ?

In the next film, they try to rescue Han Solo's corpse from an interstellar crime lord while the Empire builds another super mega weapon capable of destroying entire galaxies with one shot.

This mega weapon is powered by consuming a black hole as it fires, and is protected by a shield generator sites on the cedar forest moon of Bendar.

Our heroes, and Han's animated corpse must infiltrate the base with the help of little cuddly furry creatures known as Awoks. There will be battles between Imperial scooters in the woods, and Imperial monopod code named "stumblers" will succumb to rolling boulders and carefully camouflaged pit traps.

The Awoks, a primitive furry species just perfect for Disney merchandising, will defeat mechanized Imperial troops using knowledge of the terrain, blow guns, and fire-hardened wooden spears.

Meanwhile, on a water planet there floats the floating city ruled by Lambo Calanari. He makes a deal with the Empire but doesn't read the EULA and breaks his side of the contract.

Stuff happens and a Rebel fleet must attack the new "Doom Star" before it fires it's galaxy destroying beam weapon and their modest base ceases to exist. They have only 10 minutes to succeed as the Empires' new weapon has a pretty low cooldown timer.

The moon is attacked, the shield falls, the super weapon takes a hit in the one engineering flaw no one thought about defending and it explodes ... the debris is sucked into the black hole, including Han Solo, who ejects from the Falcon to lighten it's mass, and allow it to escape the deadly gravity.

There's some mumbo jumbo about mitichlorins, people wander around, The End.

Harrison Ford wins the Oscar for his zombie performance.

Film grosses 2 billion dollars.

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