What compromises have you and your SO made to make things work between the two of you?

1) No heavy conversations after 9pm. We both get so tired that it just doesn't work.

2) She's allowed to sleep with people outside of our marriage (for several reasons) as long as the rules we have in place are followed. She's messed this up twice and has been given 1 final chance, if there's another slip-up, I'm out (again, for several reasons).

3) I want kids. I want kids right now. She's not sure that she's ready to give up the rest of her life for them at this moment (we're in our mid and late 20s). I told her I can't sit idly by and be selfish with my life, time, and money while foster kids are suffering. She agreed that we can do short-term/emergency/receiving care in our city and we should be licensed before May is complete.

4) I like big dogs, she hates big dogs. We have two small dogs and two cats. She allows me to foster large dogs (that we agree on) several times per year.

5) She needs an hour to herself when she gets home from work to do whatever she wants. I'm not usually home yet anyway, so this works out well, but it will take some doing when we have kids in the house that she picks up from school (scheduling has her going in early, leaving early, so I'll probably do drop offs and she'll do pick-ups).

We've been married for 18 months, together for almost 6 years. Both women, by the way.

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread