What conspiracy or theory would you like to see a definitive answer to (proven true or false) during your lifetime?

I'm moving this over to PM, we're still chatting in a conspiracy theory thread, lol.

You say it's your third attempt at university? Shit, what happened the first 2 times? Just be careful of a repeat, please. One rarely gets a second chance, nevermind a third one.

Python is a pretty strong language if you delve into the many different package classes written by everyone. What would you say is a more advanced language?

You're close, I'm 29. How'd you get to 32? Yeah 20 is still very young, you still got a lot of time ahead to make your life work. Don't waste it, time goes by faster than you think.

And yup, Afrikaner all the way. I've never been a victim of racism on a personal level. I've heard a lot of (white) people complaining about affirmative action and Black Economic Empowerment, but it doesn't feel like it's affected me too much. The vocal few blows it way out of proportian. And just so you know, all people of all colors in this country can be equally racist. And PS, the only true "pure" Africans here are the Khoisan, and they're either almost extinct or assimilated.

What made you choose West Virginia University?

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent