What could be going on?

Hey thanks for the reply it’s appreciated! I’ve had some or if not all the symptoms while at the ER, yes. while I’ve been there most symptoms have gotten worse and then passed after a little while but as I said in my original post the feeling of being suffocated never goes away. all the other symptoms just come and go randomly.

The only tests I’ve ever had done at the ER was blood work and an EKG plus the chest X-ray. They all came back looking fine. one thing I forgot to mention in my original post was my lungs were apparently Hyper-inflated whatever that means? They didn’t really go into detail and i didn’t really ask them more about it tbh. It could’ve been me just taking a deep breath at the time the X-ray was taken or it could mean other things. I’m always such a mess when there so I just forget to ask these things, I can barely think straight. The EKG also had “artefacts”,more medical stuff I don’t really understand, but they weren’t concerned and said it’s normal because of my anxiety.
So a cardiologist or referral to pulmonary would would be the best starting point? Now I know what to ask for I will certainly ask my doc and if he denies I’ll look into self referral. I do have Insurance but only for certain things and I’m not sure what’s covered and what isn’t so I’d have to find out. I’ve read COPD is unlikely for someone my age but it’s just how my mind works,Juno’s to worst case scanties which doesn’t help anything I know.
I will also definitely ask for a pulmonary function test too even my doc thinks its unlikely anything bad at least for my sake! so I know for sure.

I haven’t explored any other possible reason for any of this I’ve heard of acid reflux and I have had it in the past but it’s never really bothered me. As for costochondritis, I’ll will look into this as I’ve never heard of it.

My vitamin D levels have been fairly low in the past and I’ve been on and off vitamin D tabs for a years.

I’m not taking Zoloft I take sertraline. Or is Zoloft just another name for Sertraline? The constant forceful yawning has been around as long as my SOB has even before I started on a SSRI.

Thanks for the help you’ve certainly given me things to explore and talk about with my doc. I don’t feel invalidated at all just not listened to or taken seriously enough. I’m just sort of brushed away and never really got any definite answers just the usual “it sounds like anxiety and to just keep taking my meds and talking with my psychiatrist and it’ll all resolve itself. I’ve been doing that for almost 10 years. Anxiety definitely isn’t the main culprit here! and I do think there’s more going on. A proper diagnosis would certainly help so I can get treatment for this sob and be rid of it! but I’ve been hesitant to get checked out again because I know what the answer will be and I’ll just be sent away. Cheers!

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