What could go wrong dismounting mid air?

Nah its literal aids. Don't believe everything you hear about other countries healthcare systems the US is by far the worst.

In UK, broke my tib/fib years ago (did the wobble your own leg thing he does in the video as well haha) and got treated to an ambulance, in surgery same day, on a 24 hour staffed ward with only 3 other patients and had all the metal work out a couple of months later in another surgery and was home the same day. Dream like service and NHS paid for it all including the morphine lol, whole experience literally cost me $0.

In US it would have cost on average about $1,200 for the ambulance and $17,000 to $35,000 for surgery (which you'd need twice) for a total of $35,200 - $71,200 in needless debt. The knock on effect being that your mates don't keep your leg straight and immobile, shove you in the back of a truck and take you to hospital anyway so you only have to pay $34,2000 - $70,000 in needless debt...

/r/Whatcouldgowrong Thread Parent Link - v.redd.it