What could go wrong if I verbally abuse, and throw a person's food, who is taller, and stronger than me...

You're obviously not going to see my point because you are fixated on one comment. You'll never know me so it really doesn't matter. Most redditors enjoy judging people based on nothing. What this interaction proves is there is a faction of people looking for racism in every picture, post, video, conversation, artwork, advertisement, movie, book - basically every moment of everyday, searching for something that isn't there. And, creating it when they don't find it. The division this is causing in this country is heartbreaking. I'm of the belief that most people are not racist, most want to live together in harmony, most want protests to be peaceful and non violent, most policemen want to help people, most people want justice for George Floyd's murder, most people do the right thing. The media makes the acts of a few look like the majority and the masses believe it and turn against each other. Current events have set us back 20 years.

/r/Whatcouldgowrong Thread Link - v.redd.it