What country has the best boxers?

So? IDIOT. You dont have to count her then but theys really no difference between uk and ireland but whatever. ANd im looking for what country has the beST BOXERS https://m.jdsports.co.uk/product/black-calvin-klein-underwear-3-pack-trunks/205950/?cm_mmc=googleshop-_-google-_-shopping-_-pla&istCompanyId=9c5cf6f7-3142-4f9f-be57-2fce9c67adfd&istFeedId=014e8b49-620d-4e56-9e87-79529c403af2&istItemId=xriwqxaql&istBid=tzwt&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIkIbe_u6I7gIVzN_tCh2ULgyGEAQYASABEgJBtfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds

THAT not BOXERS are you about to say those underpants come From FUCKING china, WELL then corona was made in china too wont ya say that? bum head

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