What do couples do when they shower together?

I love showering with my fiance, we honestly just hangout while we're in there. I think I also just really like having his presence with me, especially since I feel completely safe because I deal with some stupid paranoia and anxiety, and when he is with me I feel absolutely safe and don't have those fears. But I get in the water first, and I do my thing and then we switch when we want to put in our shampoo, conditioner, etc. I like looking at him and touching on him lol, and he loves doing the same with me. We've had shower sex a few times, and while it can be a bit rough because of the water, there are ways to make it work. We don't often have sexy time in there though. So yeah. We both like to shower by ourselves sometimes, but for the most part, we plan our showers together. We make it work, even if most people don't enjoy it too much.

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