What is the creepiest thing that's happened to you personally that made you question reality?

I used to live in Florida with a long-time friend. I used to have a habit of idly flipping a coin, just to keep my hands busy so I didn't fiddle with other shit(I really needed a fidget spinner but this was before they were a thing). So, one day my friend was in my room and we were talking about something(I don't remember what), I'm flipping a quarter in the air while I talk to him. I miss the catch, we both watch it fall, it hits the carpet and bounces and then vanishes. It's just gone. No sound of it landing anywhere on carpet or wood. A few months later when I moved out, we made a point of looking for it. Never found it. To this day I have no idea where it went, but I'll never forget that I once saw a quarter vanish into thin air right in front of my fucking eyes.

/r/AskReddit Thread