What is a cult? Several definitive lists here.

When I was an up-and-coming YWD leader, already at the Chapter level, I used to go in and talk to the HQ's lone pioneer during her toban shifts. Because I was told that's the quickest way to the best benefits - "connecting" with "seniors in faith" (particularly "pioneers") and taking on ever-greater leadership responsibilities.

In the SGI organization, no effort is wasted. The more difficult responsibilities one assumes, the greater the benefits one receives. - SGI

I believe district leadership is the most important responsibility in our SGI-USA organization. - SGI General Director Danny Nagashima, SGI District Leaders Handbook, p. 3.

Guiding people to develop faith in the Gohonzon is therefore the noblest mission in life. - Ikeda

In a true democracy, no one is above or below anyone else. - Ikeda, June 16, 1995, World Tribune, p. 5.

The role of leaders is important. Everything is determined by the leaders' behavior. – Ikeda

So much for the whole "everybody's equal"/"everybody's equally important", neh?

Should there be a leader or leaders in faith whom you do not like, all you have to do is determine not to become like them. All you have to do is decide that you will become leaders who will make everyone feel comfortable and at ease. - Ikeda, Ibid.

Ah, so no action should be taken to address what it is about this leader that people don't like. Is this leader a rapist or a murderer? Ah, then just make sure YOU don't ever become a rapist or a murderer! See how great the SGI is??

A leader who becomes selfcentered is no longer qualified to be a Buddhist, let alone a leader. - Ikeda, July 28, 1995, World Tribune, p. 5.

Ikeda owes me a new irony-meter O_O

In a general sense, the sovereign, teacher and parent might be thought of --- to put it in modern terms --- as the three necessary attributes of leaders. - Ikeda

And humble! Don't forget humble!!

“Truly praiseworthy are you who resolve to work hard for kosen-rufu and the SGI. You are the most noble of all people.”

Especially when you're working hard for no money and no recogition! Yeah!!

Truly praiseworthy are those who resolve to work hard for kosen-rufu and the SGI within the lofty realm of Nichiren Daishonin's Buddhism. They are genuinely capable people. And they will definitely attain life-conditions of complete fulfillment. - Daily Encouragement by Daisaku Ikeda, Sunday January 26, 2014

"There is no Buddhist practice more noble than SGI activities." - Daisaku Ikeda - from SGI publication Seikyo Times magazine (later renamed "Living Buddhism"), Feb. 1995 issue, p. 45.

“Aren't you and I, the members of the Soka Gakkai, the most noble personages of all?” - Toda, according to Ikeda, from the True Aspect of All Phenomena Presenter's Packet (issued by SGI-USA), p. 7.

uh...yeeeaaaahhhhhhh. Noblenoblenoble. Chant that! Back to that pioneer I mentioned. She pointed to a very fat woman from a different chapter, who was a district leader, and told me about how she'd (unwisely) left the SGI for five years. When she came back, she was WORSE OFF than she was when she joined, because that's what happens when people leave - their lives go backward and they end up not only losing all the fortune they'd accumulated through their practice, but even what they'd had up to the point where they started practicing in the first place! THAT's why they always said "Never go taiten" (taiten = stop practicing) and "Continue practicing for your entire life".

Funny - I've been out over 8 years now, and my life's only gotten better! :b I'm sure the "faithful" would respond to that with a "Just wait - you'll be sorry" :D

/r/sgiwhistleblowers Thread