What is currently happening that is scaring you?

I've been working every day for a year with no breaks. Usually 12, sometimes 16 hour days. When I only work 8 hours it's like a day off for me. I'm beginning to hear a ticking in my head. I think it's a little bit like panic. I also feel like I'm constantly worried about something. It's kinda like when you're being bullied in school, and you know you have to go to school again and face the bullies and the assholes again and it's going to stuck, but there's nothing you can do about it because your parents already told you that you're too young to drop out and they'd disown you anyways and all the teachers don't touch the star athletes. It's kinda like that. I think that's called anxiety. Its sort of feels like a personal doomsday clock is getting close to midnight, but I can't quite see how close it is. I've never had it this bad as an adult. Still beats school though.

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