What date started out well/bad that reversed into horrible/good?

I was staying with some friends for a few days and met a mutual singleton friend of theirs that was also staying with them. We have a fun day together getting things for the birthday party the first night - potstickers, a bamboo steamer, a giant bag of fortune cookies (haha my lovely contribution).

At the party is drinking, edibles, karaoke and movies. Just a fun night all round and nobody had to drive drunk or anything. End of the night, I'm in the spare bedroom out of my head horny from the edibles and do something I'd normally never do - walk past the cracked door in my underwear casually. The mutual friend is laying down on the couch and within view of my room... he looks like he's awake but then turns over and passes out. I internally call myself an idiot and pass out myself.

The next night we go on a friend double date and I pay for dinner for all of us since I'd recently gotten a job, which felt nice. He and I exchange contact info and have a friendly moment together before parting our separate ways. Over the next week we contact each other and really hit it off, meeting the next week for one on one time.

At the end of that weekend, we were officially dating. Later that year, we moved in together. Married four years and together for a total of ten. ❤ All as a result of a friend's birthday party we both almost didn't go to.

/r/AskWomen Thread