What dead member of the Band of the Hawks you miss the most?

Griffith did nothing wrong

Bout to rant here, but I fucking hate Griffith, that dude is a fucking asshole. Guts is only trying to be his own man with his own dream so that he and Griffith can be true friends, so Guts leaves, and Griffith gets all emotional and reckless and fucks the goddamn princess. And all because of Griffith's fucking superiority complex. The dude can't just accept that he isn't perfect, and when he makes a royal fuck up, he blames it on Guts! Griffith goes and fucks the princess, but somehow its Guts' fault? Nah mother fucker, you were just a dumbass. Then in prison the only thing keeping him sane is his insane hatred for his "best friend". "Guts did this to me, it's his fault, he made me forget my dream." Bitch please, you chose to fuck that royal pussy, all Guts did was listen to your own words about living in the shadow of another man's dream. Then Guts goes on essentially a suicide mission to save his homie, pulls it off, gets the dude to safety, kills a mother fucking apostle to save him AGAIN, and then what? Griffith gets all pissy that Guts and Casca are fucking. You serious bro!? You coulda had that chocolate pussy any fucking time you wanted, but nooooo she wasn't a princess so you're just gonna ignore her. But now that she is taken you are suddenly jealous? Fuck off man! And Griffith is all butthurt that people feel sorry for him. Hello dude! These guys still treat you as a pseudo leader and are ready to live the rest of their lives protecting and providing for you, but you don't give a shit because YOU personally can't boss them around!? Selfish fucking prick. And to top it all off, this crippled piece of shit decides to sacrifice all of em to make up for his retard mistake that made him a cripple in the first place. And he still blames Guts for everything in the end, so he decides he's just gonna rape Casca for the lols. Fuck Griffith so hard that prick deserves the worst fate.

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